Monday 27 August 2012

Backup and Recovery Methods for MS Exchange Server Backup Data


This blog post will explain the methods for backing up data of MS Exchange Servers and how to fix the corruption issues in this backup file. Regular backup of Exchange database files is an essential task for the Server administrators because it is one of the best practices which can prevent them from encountering any data losses at the time of server failure. This is a best method to prevent loss of confidential as well as essential data.
Methods for Backup:

Microsoft has provided following two methods for backing up the data of MS Exchange Server:

Monday 13 August 2012

Dealing with Exchange Backup File Corruption Using Third Party Tool


The backup file of MS Exchange Server holds the data of .edb, .stm and .log files. If you have been using Exchange Server for quite a long time now, you may have experienced backup files corruption several times due to a number of reasons. The potential causes behind this corruption may vary from power surges, spikes to header damage, human error, operating system bugs, hardware issues, etc. Sometimes, the corruption is hidden in the Exchange backup file and is not known until you try to restore it. You can view the Logs after a successful or unsuccessful process of backup restore in MS Exchange Server.

Friday 3 August 2012

A Perfect Tool to Repair and Recover Exchange Backup Data


Microsoft Exchange Server is known as one of the most advance and popular e-mail server applications. This email tool is widely run by millions of users to effectively manage their business as well as personal data. As all the Exchange server administrators are aware, about keeping valid backups of databases is extremely necessary in the event of a disaster. In the absence of a valid backup file, you are at high risk of losing your precious data. No doubt, MS Exchange Server is a secure and powerful application but sometimes it also creates a critical situations for some organizations which don't have the enough resources to keep it safe and secure.